Tuesday 26 February 2013

Cheap Tickets From England To Pakistan

If travelling from Egland to Pakistan is what you desire, then we at Mushtaq Travels can help you with it! Mushtaq Travel is a leading travel agency in United Kingdom with world-wide fares available at very low prices. We can book you cheapest tickets to Pakistan without any headache or any other discomfortablitiy. We have been serving our customers since 1981, and ever since the start we have always exceeded our customers expectations. It is our utmost priority to make our customers' experience the best it can get. If you book your tickets with Mushtaq Travel then you can be assured of a perfect travel experience. No booking headaches, no other discomfortalities. Let us handle it all for you.

Traveling to Pakistan is not unpopular, as the country is popular for many of its historic places, buildings and monuments. Pakistan was the home for many ancient civilizations, including but not limited to Neolithic Mehrgarh and the Indus Valley Civilization. The area was ruled by Sikh Empire, Durrani Empire, Mongol Empire, the British Empire and many other empires and dynasties. Pakistan was declared as an Islamic state in 1956, as muslims account for 95% of the total population.

If you are going to travel to Pakistan, then there are many places and buildings that you definately would not want to miss. One of those buildings is Minar-e-Pakistan. The word Minar means tower, so the literal meaning of the tower's name is "Tower Of Pakistan". The construction of Minar-e-Pakistan started back in 1960, at the same place where the famous Lahore Resolution was passed in 1940. After eight years of construction, the tower was completed in 1968. This popular tower is homed by the city of Lahore. Another popular historic building is the Lahore Fort. Although the origins of the fort are older, the present structure is said to have been built by the Mughal emperor Akbar. Architectural marvels of other famous buildings as Sheesh Mahal and Badshahi Mosque are also included in this great fort.

So as you can see, travelling to Pakistan would be great educational and fun trip for you and your family. At Mushtaq Travels, we can help you with any aspect of your trip. From booking cheap tickets to Pakistan to booking hotels for you in Pakistan, Mushtaq Travel can get it done for you. As mentioned earlier, we have been securing the best deals for our customers since 1981, and had 100% customer satisfication since day one. All you need to do is contact us in advance (earlier than your planned day) to secure the best possible prices. Do remember that the earlier you contact us, the cheaper tickets to Pakistan will be secured for you. Just contact us today at 01332 361650 or simply visit our website at the following address to contact us online, or directly order tickets to Pakistan online:


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